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Smart Comms™AMR - SmartTouch™ Pad

AMR technology to match the power and accuracy of SmartFlow™ water meters. Several data collection methods including the next-generation SmartConnect™ network.

For a low cost, guaranteed accurate remote reading option, the inductive SmartTouch™ system utilises an inductive touch pad and inductive probe reader. This system ensures that human error or corruption is eradicated on an economical viable basis.

Accurate Data Collection

The SmartTouch™ Pad is passive but driven by the SmartFlow™ meter directly, which can provide data from the meter such as:

Application Software

example application software screensThe inductive reader connects to any PC, laptop or hand held PC through a standard serial port. As such, the software to read is available for Microsoft Windows, Pocket PC or CE but can also be customised to a utility's requirements for data formatting, storage, downloading and processing.

Suitable for Windows CE and Pocket PC devices, the reader software controls the touchpad reader and stores the data for each meter read. This data can then be downloaded to a billing system or other database using a docking station or internet connection.