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Why should you choose SmartFlow™ water meters?

The Failings of Mechanical Meters

For some considerable time, there has been a constant debate, as to the validity and accuracy characteristics of mechanical meters and the use of new words, such as ‘volumetric’ and ‘electronic’ have tended to confuse the potential buyer even further.

However, the following is an attempt to clarify the truth of mechanical metering technology and how it compares to electronic metering read more...

Electronic Water Metering – A Simple Choice?

Electronic metering is without question, the only solution to the outdated and unreliable mechanical metering.   It has long been implied that an alternative to this failing technology, which never saw any real advances or improvements from the original design, had to be sought.  As a result of many factions within the Water Industry trying to change things, it was always going to be the case that many potential options would be put forward. read more...

Water Metering Approvals – An Overview

Like water meters, worldwide water meter approvals have undergone significant changes in the past 10 years, and in most respects have been carried out with the objective of unifying independent country requirements under one approval certification process.  As a result, the now internationally recognised standard for metering of cold potable water is, OIML R49. read more...

SmartFlow™ - the only choice?

In many parts of the world, the principle challenge facing Water Utilities is the ability to operate on a firm, financial basis. As most Utilities depend upon metering to control sales and their network, it is essential that the metering process is accurate, ensuring bills are accurate and regularly sent, resulting in the minimum of disputes and charges collected. read more...