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SmartConnect™ Integrated RF Mesh Network

AMR technology to match the power and accuracy of SmartFlow™ water meters. Several data collection methods including the next-generation SmartConnect™ network.

smartFlow meter and data transmission via smartConnectIntegrated Wireless Mesh Network

SmartFlow™ is the first water meter to incorporate an RF transmitter. The RF transmitters within the meters operate as part of a wireless mesh network.

Like a fixed network system, this wireless mesh system transmits the much more detailed metering information to the Water Utility’s head quarters without the need for meter readers.

Each meter installation transmits information to the main base station, either directly or via repeaters and/or concentrators using the 2.4 Ghz frequency. The exact set-up is dependent upon geographic layout, but any network can be structured.

A Typical SmartConnect™ Network

a typical SmartConnect network

Individual SmartFlow™ water meters transmit and receive data to and from local repeaters up to 200 meters away.

Each repeater includes a more powerful RF transceiver / antenna than a meter transmitter. Repeaters route messages from all meters and repeaters inside its range.

Receiver/Concentrators collect data and act as an access point for WAN and VLAN networks, back to the utility HQ.

As the system is fully integrated, the individual components offer not only complete flexibility, but are also highly cost competitive to even inductive touch pad setups, making SmartConnect™ the most economically viable RF AMR solution available.

The Integrated Meter Transmitter

Repeater device
