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SmartComms™ AMR - Fixed Radio Network

AMR technology to match the power and accuracy of SmartFlow™ water meters. Several data collection methods including the next-generation SmartConnect™ network.

Economic benefits

Removing the need for meter readers, a fixed network solution can offer substantial economic benefits, as meter readings are sent to the utility in ‘live’ feeds. With the ability to cover vast areas, meter reading with zero running costs, has never been so simple.

Powerful and robust networks

Powered by 2 Watts, the meter transmitters provide a nominal range of 5 miles (line of sight can reach 20 to 25 miles), and with the use of repeaters, this can be expanded to ranges of tens to hundreds of miles. The rugged, water proof and tamper proof reinforced polyester housing for outdoor/indoor and pit installations ensures the longevity of the product, which is powered by 8 long-lasting lithium batteries providing a 20-year battery warranty.

Operates in the VHF (136-174 Mhz) or UHF (400-500 Mhz) frequency bands, assuring a clear channel and no lost readings.

Secure networks across a utility territory

If data repeaters are required, they relay data from the meter’s transmitters to the base station or to other repeaters and then the base station. After the repeater receives data from the meter, it checks the content and forwards it to the water utility. The data is security enabled by encryption using sophisticated coding.

Base station transceiver

The base station radio transceiver, receives signals from the individual meter transmitters directly and/or from repeaters. It then records data into its database displaying the consumption of the meters.

Compact and easy-to-install it connects to computer/server through computer’s serial port or USB port.

AMR Software

typical screen from AMR softwareThe sophisticated software at the base station (Water Utility Headquarters) alerts the user of issues at the meter sites such as leak detection, tamper detection, high flow, low flow, negative flow, unauthorised high consumption during water banned hours and consumption on vacant or seasonal homes. The system can also store unlimited data from readings for reporting requirements.

Integration with existing billing software

No impact on the currently billing system is seen, as a simple field mapping will enable the required fields to be entered into the existing billing system software.


Management, customer, consumption and exception reporting available both at the customer and management level. Reports are available in both number or graph format and export data files are easily generated.