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SmartMeter Prepayment™ Components

A complete solution, with prepayment software, electronic water metering and customer friendly 'split smart card system' to guarantee revenue and service.

Internal Unit and Smart CardInternal Unit (IU)

External UnitExternal Unit (EU)

smartFlow water meterThe Metering Technology

Unaffected by particulates and with no moving parts to wear, the SmartFlow™ water meter is 100% accurate for its lifetime. Guaranteed not to record air, customers know that they are only every billed for the water they use.

Due to constant maintenance, cumulative inaccuracies caused by wear and the fact that they record and bill for air (up to 7 times as much), Mechanical Meters are a thing of the past, and should not be used in prepayment systems.

Therefore, SmartMeter Prepayment™ is the only prepayment system in the world to offer accuracy, performance and reliability. The advantages